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Showing posts from 2014

4AA4 Anonymous Until Sold @ 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art / 6-9 Nov 2014

There were over 250 art works by participating artists included myself.  The opening was a great success, and it is open all weekend until 5pm on Sunday.  6-9 November 2014

[live or let - live] Opening Exhibition @ Gallery Klei / 8 Nov - 6 Dec 2014

I am taking part in this new exciting art gallery's first exhibition  opening  in the Sydney CBD. 'Live or let- live' Artists:  Alun Rhys jones | Brad Munro | David Middlebrook | Eun Joo Oh | Jee Eun Lee | Jee Hyun Lee | Jeong Won Lee | John Scott | Katherine Mahoney | Min Woo Bang | Midori Furze | Pamela Leung | Remnim Alexander Tayco | Sang Geun Yang | Shin Yong Ho | Tim Allen | Yong Min Han | Yong-Seon Ko | Yun Ji Kim Exhibition Dates: 08 November - 06 December, 2014 Gallery Klei: suite 9, 1-7 Albion Place, Sydney 2000 Hours: Tuesday 10am - 5pm | Closed Mondays & Sundays

Featured installation works - Peculiar Compendiums @ Gaffa

These are the works I had exhibited at Gaffa for Peculiar Compendiums with Veronica Habib, Louise Morgan, Meaghan Potter and Hannah Toohey, on 24/7/2014 - 4/8/2014. Golden Bowls, ceramic bowls, wooden ladder and chopsticks, dimensions variable, 2014 Golden rice bowls were a symbol of prosperity for an individual in the Chinese empire. Today, all around the world, people strive for the security of employment. From the moment we are born, most of us are educated, brought up or encouraged to aim for a career that provides security through money. 'Eight golden bowls' embodies the ambitions and struggles we undergo to achieve this security - the number eight being a symbol of the good luck and good fortune we wish to have with us throughout our life. However, in a world where there is never enough to go around, some of us might need to step on top of each other to get up to the ladder. We are all striving for our Golden Bowls. Looking Beyond, mixed media, dimensions variable, 2014 T...

Peculiar Compendiums @ GAFFA / 24 July - 5 August 2014

Group exhibition: Peculiar Compendiums at Gaffa .  "Peculiar Compendiums is a collective meditation on the peculiarities and oddities which enrich our existence on this strange blue planet. Drawing inspiration from natural history and anthropological studies, the individual works aim to ignite an array of emotions and reactions, evoking a sense of wonder and intrigue similar to 18th century cabinets of curiosity, with a contemporary twist.    The contributing artists have engaged with themes ranging from social behaviour and our changing engagement with the physicality of the human body to meditations on the unexpected encounters of the everyday, whilst others chose to explore the mysterious phenomena of the natural world and sinister aggregations of unclear origin. Through the diverse disciplines of installation, sculpture and drawing, Peculiar Compendiums brings together a collection of works, which themselves become exquisite specimens of the human experience...

D R A W N O U T @ Art Est, Leichhardt / 1 - 31 MARCH 2014

Diaspora 2014 - mixed media (chopsticks and found objects) - dimensions variable

Exhibition: Drawn Out @ Art Est, Leichhardt / 1-31 March 2014


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